A New Definition of Technology - The Scientific Texts That Guide Human Activity

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The advancements in technology will allow humans to travel towards Mars within the next few years. Internet of Things 5G, artificial intelligence automated driving, the list goes on and on. most likely no one will be able to count all the latest technologies that are coming up. The technology's complexity world is fascinating, but as overwhelming and hard to comprehend. But, the researchers engineers, engineers, and technicians must concentrate on their particular part of the job. The sophisticated robots are made up of smaller units functionally which can be managed by the professional experts. These robots operate under the guidance of scientific text and the brains of their owners. In spite of the complexity of the technologies they can eventually be traced back to their basic source in the scientific texts.

Wikipedia describes technology in terms of "Technology is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation." For the bing.com search technology is described by "the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry." The definitions are wide, appearing to encompass all methods of human beings achieving some thing. Technology is in fact broad and has numerous legitimate definitions. Both definitions are accurate in that they provide the facts. However, they do not explain the meaning behind the phrases like "techniques", "application" and "scientific knowledge", which are terms that are not clear and may encompass all things that exist.  InventHelp review

We have defined science in terms of texts in our document "a new definition of science - the textual foundation that represents the real world" Technology must also be described as a result of texts because of its science-based nature. Technology and science are connected and are inextricably linked in the contemporary world.

1. The scientific texts are the foundation of technology

Texts are the basis of science, which is also the foundation of technology because of the similar nature of the sciences and technologies. We aren't talking about the textual nature that is characteristic of science and technology and interested readers are able to look up our post "language - the core of science".

Science can be used to describe all things, even human behavior. Not just natural phenomena are described and accumulated, but also are human actions. The methods, procedures, and aspects of achievement are documented in text and then incorporated as representations. By using representations in text human activities are arranged by category, and built on the existing technologies.

The characteristics of technology

Technology is usually viewed as a result of its impact on societies and their relationships with culture, its actual use, and its connection to the politics, economy and more. These are more manifestations than the nature. They are non-textual or are based on non-texts. Affixing the characteristics of technology to different aspects of society is not only a source of confusion and leads to endless interaction but also diverts people's thoughts away from the true nature of technology.

In the face of the variety, complexity of the ubiquitous and constantly evolving technology, it is important to look at the traits that all technologies share, which textual representations possess. Texts, which represent technology, has its fundamental features that are which are universal to all technology.

Technical documentation

Materials, methods, techniques methods, techniques, concepts such as these all must be recorded to aid in understanding, learning communicating and record for purposes. Technical specifications, user guides, and other manuals are typically the first documents that engineers and customers require when a product is shipped or in the process of product development. Technical documents can even describe an item more precisely than its actual operation. In spite of the complicated procedures, variations in operating conditions and due to different people, a wealth of material, and changing personnel, these documents are reliable, straightforward, and accurate and reliable. They also provide a clear explanation.

Also, it must be stressed that scientific texts have influence in the mind. The technical texts should be interpreted in the mind, and not be equated to the textual content of the technology.

2. There are differences between science and technology.

It is necessary to identify the difference between technology and science. While they share the same elements, their looks and emphasises differ to represent different aspects of our world.

Technology and science have the same areas of study and know-how. The major difference between the two is their goals and objectives. Science's goal is to observe and provide explanation, while technology is focused on taking action and making adjustments. Their directions are different from one another. Science is more about observation, while technology is more about the action. The same texts may be classified as technology or science, depending on the goal and the use. For instance Motion law is an art, but transforms into technology when it is used in the construction and operation of machines.

Technology is closely linked to the human-made world. Human actions have altered the look of the world as well as the way that people live. They are the direct consequence of technology, but it is also possible to say that people used science to achieve these things. From an intuitive perspective scientists, science is the most profound and fundamental level of understanding Technology is more closely associated with practical applications. Science is generally considered to be the most fundamental, while technology is more detailed. However, texts play a crucial role in their development.

Today, information is spread instantly and goods are moved quickly. People are increasingly living in areas that were surrounded by machines-made items and structures. It became much easier for people to reach their goals using existing skills and equipment. However it is possible to get many of your questions solved by putting questions into search engines in moments. Everyone seems to have sufficient know-how. All you need is to be proactive. This is why the more active people have become and the word "technology" is becoming more commonplace than "science".

3. The definition of technology is based on text.

Concerning the fundamental nature technology and the differences between technology and science, today we present a brand new definition of technology:

The scientific text that guides the human activities.

The definition includes two elements:

First, technology is a scientific texts.   Invent Help

In addition, these books are used as guidelines.

The definition we propose doesn't seek to discredit the current definitions. Instead, we look at the world from a different point of view and focus on a more profound and more fundamental level, while focusing on the model of the text-centered world.

Utilizability of technology

Human activities tend to be driven by a purpose. Thus, technology generally can be applied to practical purposes. But the amount of applications differs based on the particular technology. A technology that works in one situation or for certain people may not be appropriate on another occasion or for different individuals. These activities could be good for or detrimental to society.

Potential Extension of this definition

Machines and animals could use technology in the future, and possibly even now including AI. In such instances the scientific texts influence their effects not directly through human activities rather through machines or animals. Their technology uses are an imitation of human intelligence with no fundamental distinctions. The definition can be extended to include all human and non-human activities that are governed by scientific text.

Unifying non-textual technology and textual technology

There are many theories about the existence of illiterate societies and even animals have some kind of technology even though they're not as sophisticated as modern technology. Without getting bogged down with endless, many vague examples, we will focus on the fundamentals. Clarity, sequence, and representation of the real are the three most important characteristics of science. Technology that is true-sense also has these characteristics. The technology from societies that did not have literacy also derived from sequential minds that have science-based properties in primitive form that manipulate non-texts in place of texts with less efficiency and effectiveness. Scientific texts are a great example of those properties, aid in visual processing and help make advancements in the capabilities of our minds.

4. A text-centered model of science as well as technology

We can now propose a text-centered model of science and technology that starts from investigative observations, which derive scientific/technological texts, which in turn lead to actions through proper application. In other words, science and technology are in the text. If the goal is the direction of non-text to text and focusing on the development of theories the texts are more focused on science. If the goal is the text-to-non-text direction and focusing on actions these texts are more concerned with technology. The actions change the environment, which becomes a new subject of observation, leading to the derivation of new scientific/technological texts. This is how technological and scientific activities create endless versions, which surround texts at the core.